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Home Software Automap Automap advanced concepts - Structure of a map file

Automap advanced concepts - Structure of a map file

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Structure of a map file

This information is here for information only and may change without prior notice.

Offset Size Field Comments
0 14 Magic string Contains "AUTOMAP M\024\x8\6\3"
14 12 Min version Minimal version of runtime required to read/understand this map
26 12 Map version Version of the Automap_Creator class that created the map
38 8 File size Size in bytes of the map file
46 8 CRC Adler32 checksum of the whole file (replacing this field with eight '0'.
54 8 Symbol count  
62 8 Data size Size in bytes of the subsequent data block
70 DSIZE Data block (See below for structure)

Structure of the Data block

The data block is a serialized array. It always contains two elements :

  • the item referenced with the 'options' key contains the map options. It is an array of (<option-name> => <value>) elements.
  • the item referenced with the 'map' key is an array of strings. Each element defines a slot. Each slot contains the information for the symbols belonging to a given namespace. Each namespace has its slot.

Structure of the slots array :

The array keys are normalized namespaces (without leading/trailing separators),

Each array value is a serialized array. Each element of this array has the following structure :

  • Key is a string. It is the concatenation of the symbol type (one of the \Automap\Mgr::T_xxx constants) and the symbol name. Remember that, starting with version 3.0.0, Automap is fully case-sensitive, eliminating the need to convert the key to lowercase. Note that, for performance reasons, the symbol name contains the namespace.
  • Value is a string too. It is the concatenation of a target type (one of \Automap\Mgr::F_xxx constants) and the target value. If the target type corresponds to a PHP script, target values are combined with the base path, if any, to compute target file paths.


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